Burn off a burger in 20mins

First of all, I am not encouraging you to eat that burger at every sight!

What I want to share is the effectiveness of employing HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) in your workout routine.

Most of us are already tied by commitments from work, family, personal etc. the last thing you would ever want is to spend another precious 1 hour in the gym and yet not achieve the desired effect. Neither do you want to spend 2 hours just to crank up the workout to shed those calories.

In 20 mins(10 rounds x 2mins) of interval trainings, it enable me to burn off about 260 calories or a 100 g Hamburger

You would still have 40mins remains in your lunch break for a nice shower and a great lunch!

Try it out and witness the change in you!



Routine presented is meant as an illustration.

Always work at your own pace and engage a qualified fitness professional if you are not sure of how to do so by yourself.