How to attack – Cross & Jabs

Introduction- The basic straight

You will be brought through the key points of throwing straights punches i.e. Jab (lead/front hand) & Cross (trail hand).

In addition, a strong defensive guard is just as important as you attempt to throw your straight punches. A strong guard must be formed even as your attack.

How to form your fist

Roll your fingers inwards and form a flat fist*. In doing so, note that area of contact are the knuckles of the index (digitus secundus manus) and middle (digitus médius) fingers. In technical jargon, the contact points relate to the head of the metacarpals section of the hand.

Zesty Kickz Kickboxing Fist Contact Points

Forming a punch

Refer to Figures 1a & 1b above for contact points.

If you are wearing gloves, it’s the thickest (“fleshy”) part that’s making contact with the target.

In the natural position, the middle knuckle forms the apex of the fist and hence the fist is to be rotated slightly outwards in order for contact to be made, as shown that in Fig 1b. Fig 1c highlights the natural fist position.

Why should I rotate my fist

Without the rotation in Fig1b, in a bare fist fight, the middle knuckle is thus prone to injury as the resultant force from the punch is fully absorbed by this portion.

How to add power to my straights- Engage the ‘core’

The entire body works in unison as you throw the strike. By this, I mean that the core (abdominals + back) muscle group and the legs need to be engaged as well. Remember the twist and turn motion at the hips area. This is shown in Fig 2.

Zesty Kickz Kickboxing Jabs

Kickboxing Jab- Right as Master Hand


Also in Fig 2, notice that the boxer’s chin stays tight and is close to the left shoulder. This helps to guard against any strikes that may come as a counter to the jab being thrown.


The above paragraphs outline the key principles of the straight punches. In order for your straights to be effective and efficient, you would need to consider the important key points such as forming a proper fist and engaging the core. 


Authored by

Vinz Low

Principal Instructor

Zesty Kickz Kickboxing Singapore

©Zesty Kickz Kickboxing Singapore